23 miles (2581 to 2604, mathow river)
Last night we hung our food for the first time on the whole trip. We sleep with it every night. Do you suddenly feel less sympathy for us and our mouse attacks? We slept within the national park and they had a cable run between two trees making it super easy to hang. It was the best sleep we had all week. Tonight there is no cable and all the trees have stubby little branches, unsuitable for safe keeping from little or big creatures.
We hiked past rainy pass, hwy 20, where two thru hikers who have already finished were cooking up hot dogs. We each had two, chatted for a long time and continued on. The rest of the day was beautiful, large forested valleys and sharp mountain tops. It started to sprinkle as soon as we climbed inside our tent. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. We are hoping the snow level isn't too low because we will be spending most of tomorrow above 6,000 feet. We aren't in the clear yet.
that bridge does not look safe at all! but you two are adorable