16 miles (828 to 844 campsite on evolution lake)
Today was so beautiful I didn't even care how hard it was. We camped low last night near 8,000 feet and climbed up the river valley to the headwaters and over muir pass at 11,974 feet. The trail weaved up the river canyon alongside waterfalls, over creeks, and past bright blue fishless lakes. We stopped to eat lunch at Helen lake just before summiting the pass. The top of the pass was mellow, so far the tops had been the steepest, and there was a cool stone hut at the top complete with sleeping pct hikers. We gently dropped down the other side into evolution basin. The views in the last two days have been so incredibly beautiful. We got to camp early, 6:30, a spot on a little peninsula mid evolution lake.
Beautiful pictures! Would be fun to be where it's cool, it's so hot in Albuquerque