Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 21

18 miles (844 to 862)
We slept in late and didn't start hiking until 9:30. The evolution lake basin turned into a river canyon. We walked along under firs and pines. The evolution creek crossing is supposed to be one of the toughest, but due to the low snow year, water hit only mid calf. We did get lucky with the low snow, it's made the passes and creek crossings so much easier. 
We walked down to the confluence of evolution creek and the San Joaquin river and followed it down stream. We exited kings canyon national park, entering the John muir wilderness, and began climbing up toward the next pass. Selden pass is supposed to be the easiest so we hope for a relaxed pace tomorrow morning. Clay is going to hike ahead and I'll meet him at lake Marie so he has time to fish and I have time to putter about, take pictures, and eat the snacks I don't want to share. 

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